Have a question about gameplay?

Here's some information to help your gameplay.


Hits 197

Hello, Hero of Wuxia

Let me introduce about Enchant system.


- Reinforced stones can be used to increase the capability of the equipment.
- If the reinforcement is successful once, the reinforcement level increases by +1
- If reinforcement fails, the reinforcement stage will fall or equipment will be destroyed
- It can be strengthened up to 40 steps.

-After activating the Enchant menu, you can strengthen it by adding "materials", "equipment", and "Protection Charm" from the left.

[Enchant material]- Regardless of the type of Enchantment material, the rise value is fixed at +1 when Enchantment is successful.
- Regardless of the type of Enchantment material, the drop value is fixed at -1 if the Enchantment fails.
- Enchantment failure will result in a first-stage drop in Enchantment or a first-stage drop in equipment destruction + Enchantment .

※ It is a safety Enchantment section from stage 1 to stage 5 of Enchantment , and there is no equipment drop or equipment destruction.
- Enchantment probabilities are applied differently for each Enchantment material.

[Enchant stone combine]

[Protection Charm]

- Protects equipment destruction at a certain probability once in case of Enchantment failure.

We hope we can bring you great pleasure.