Hello, Heroes of TwelveSky!
Let's talk about Regular war.
- There are three main types of regular War in TwelveSky.
- Touch the War UI at the bottom of the minimap to see the War Info.
● War Info
-When start the Regular war, Azure Dragon Seal battle, you can do move through the War menu.
- You can check the status of Possessing Faction statues in Holy stone battles through the War menu.
● Regular war
1. only 50 players per Faction can enter.
2. 6 times a day, every 4 Hr from 00:00
3. 10 minute count UI displayed before start
4. time limit (Progress time) = 30 minutes
5. Failure to capture a camp within the time limit (Progress time) results in a draw
6. time to capture a faction = 5 minutes
7. Occupation Reward is increased by 10 for every 10 CP awarded, up to 60
8. At the end of the match, the participating winning Faction will receive 10% of the required EXP at their Level
8-1. Participating losing Faction receives 3.3% of the required EXP at their Level
9. Participating Victorious Faction receives Dungeon Rewards at the end of the match.
9-1. Byukgong Seal (10 ~ 39 Levels) -> Progress in the Dark Hwanggok -> Chamber of Horrors Dungeon Reward
9-2. Chunmu Seal (40 ~ 69 Levels) -> Progress in Samjindo -> Jungjin Maze Dungeon Reward
9-3. Kwangwon Seal (70 ~ 89 Levels) -> Progress in Waryong Valley -> Cave of the Lost Dungeon Reward
9-4. Julpung Seal (100 ~ 112 Levels) -> Progress in Ethereal Valley -> Dungeon Reward X, 1 Big Lucky Ticket
9-5. Wunhyang Seal (1 ~ 12 M.Levels ) -> Progress in Silang Valley -> Dungeon Reward X, 1 Big Lucky Ticket
9-6. Hyulwu Seal (13 ~ 33 M.Levels ) -> Progress in Ominous Temple -> Dungeon Reward X, 1 Godsend Lucky Ticket
10. Previously victorious Faction in Julpung Seal, Wunhyang Seal, and Hyulwu Seal gains +1 CP when killing other Faction
Hello, Heroes of TwelveSky!
Let's talk about Regular war.
- There are three main types of regular War in TwelveSky.
- Touch the War UI at the bottom of the minimap to see the War Info.
● War Info
-When start the Regular war, Azure Dragon Seal battle, you can do move through the War menu.
- You can check the status of Possessing Faction statues in Holy stone battles through the War menu.
● Regular war
1. only 50 players per Faction can enter.
2. 6 times a day, every 4 Hr from 00:00
3. 10 minute count UI displayed before start
4. time limit (Progress time) = 30 minutes
5. Failure to capture a camp within the time limit (Progress time) results in a draw
6. time to capture a faction = 5 minutes
7. Occupation Reward is increased by 10 for every 10 CP awarded, up to 60
8. At the end of the match, the participating winning Faction will receive 10% of the required EXP at their Level
8-1. Participating losing Faction receives 3.3% of the required EXP at their Level
9. Participating Victorious Faction receives Dungeon Rewards at the end of the match.
9-1. Byukgong Seal (10 ~ 39 Levels) -> Progress in the Dark Hwanggok -> Chamber of Horrors Dungeon Reward
9-2. Chunmu Seal (40 ~ 69 Levels) -> Progress in Samjindo -> Jungjin Maze Dungeon Reward
9-3. Kwangwon Seal (70 ~ 89 Levels) -> Progress in Waryong Valley -> Cave of the Lost Dungeon Reward
9-4. Julpung Seal (100 ~ 112 Levels) -> Progress in Ethereal Valley -> Dungeon Reward X, 1 Big Lucky Ticket
9-5. Wunhyang Seal (1 ~ 12 M.Levels ) -> Progress in Silang Valley -> Dungeon Reward X, 1 Big Lucky Ticket
9-6. Hyulwu Seal (13 ~ 33 M.Levels ) -> Progress in Ominous Temple -> Dungeon Reward X, 1 Godsend Lucky Ticket
10. Previously victorious Faction in Julpung Seal, Wunhyang Seal, and Hyulwu Seal gains +1 CP when killing other Faction